Speaking to one of my dear friends, a few days ago, I was reminded and encouraged that sometimes our circumstances become our motivation to PRESS towards the goals we have set for ourselves. On a bigger level, we seek the things God has set before us and work diligently to complete the task. It is not without pain, suffering and struggle sometimes, but the end result will be well worth it, remembering to give God all the glory.
As we enter into this season of celebrating mothers, I know it can be an awesome season for some and a struggle season for others. As I feel a mix of emotions going into this Mother’s Day, I would like to thank my mother and my mother in law for being pillars in my life. The strength I witnessed as they fought until the end of their races is forever etched in my mind and their love is forever etched in my heart. RIH! So, be encouraged this upcoming Mother’s Day and PRESS when necessary and Happy Mother’s Day! When you have nothing left... PRESS! By: NaKaisha Tolbert-Banks When you feel like you cannot move another inch... press. When you feel like you cannot eat one more salad... press. When you feel like the loss you have experienced, and the grief you are enduring is not worth moving or existing anymore... press. When you feel like you cannot go on one more walk or workout one more day... press. When you feel like you cannot look at your special spouse or super significant other you have disagreed with one more day.... press. When you feel like you cannot parent those precious little ankle biters or testy teenagers one more day... press. When you feel like you cannot walk into your dysfunctional, but it is still paying you to work there, job one more day... press. When you feel like you cannot complete those last three classes to obtain your educational degree you have had your eyes set on... press. When you feel like apartment living is just no longer an option for you but you think you can never buy or rent that home you have had your eye on for months... press. When you feel like you have been used up, washed up, and now your are all dried up with nothing left to work towards in your life... press When you feel like all that you are working towards seems stupid because nothing positive has yet happened... press. When you feel like you have prayed and prayed for your situation to change BUT YET AND STILL things still remain the same... press. The scripture (Psalm 30:5) from the good book reminds us that, ... “Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.” What does this mean? You may be crying right now BUT tomorrow joy will come. You may be fearful right now BUT tomorrow you will be fearless. You may be sad right now BUT tomorrow you will have life, energy, happiness, peace, and joy. What changes? Your perspective, your outlook, your desire to PRESS towards change. It is a known fact that if you speak life into your situation, your situation will change. The good book also tells us (Proverbs 18:21) that, “Death and life are in the power of tongue...” So, you must speak life into your situation. Speaking negatively about your situation, no matter what it is, can potentially speak a negative outcome into your situation and you are setting yourself up for failure. Press.... if you are reading this and you are in a struggle spot, PRESS! I have been there before. Seemed like things would not get better, seemed like the more things changed, the more they stayed the same... I had to continue to press! Stay the course and press. When you feel like you have cried, prayed, praised, and cried some more... PRESS and keep praying, praising, crying and pressing! Stay encouraged and may the best of the best be afforded to you for not giving in or giving up BUT staying the course and pressing your way through! Peace...
What Participants Are Saying"I think Dr. Tolbert-Banks did such an excellent job of setting the intention, showing up prepared, passionate, knowledgeable, and ready to teach. Also the gratitude at the end really hit home for me..." |
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